Credit: NBC Delft Team
I was not gullible, I was true
I felt understood
I was not vulnerable, I was immune
Yet he destroyed my
hard-earned self-pity award
For once, I just felt understood.
The slings of words he shot into my ears where accurate and
They were so on target
Just what I needed.
Have you ever felt understood?
It seems amazing and beautiful no matter how sorrowful the
That moment you become vulnerable to your emotions
Because for once it’s like someone also feels your pains and
thinks your thoughts
You just feel understood.
You are not ashamed to cry
Neither are you to smile
Your inner being has melted like an ice before the fire.
Everyone wants to be understood.
When they say ‘no one understands’ tell them you do
Make them feel you are in their shoes
Let them know you are under the stool they sit and you carry
their weight with you.
Make someone feel understood today!
Maybe a smile will send the signal, but not always.
Sometimes something more, like a walk, an active ear and a
busily pressured cheeks.
May you be understood
and may someone understand you.
A poem by Elizabeth Ewudiwa
(c) 2017 EliDiaries
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