YOUR WORTH; You define it

Episode 1, A Woman's Plights Series. Dedicated to every woman who fights to keep the dignity. Dear woman, You are the biggest meat in the largest pot of soup. Should I ask you pardon my words? I don’t think so. You have tolerated more insults and have been humiliated much more. No! not by men, but by thyself . You have an ‘ideal’ image, one generally presented by the world through the media and peers. I hurt to see young girls growing into this ‘deceptive’ perception of what and who really a woman should be. Fleshy? Soft? Quiet? Dull? Passive? The world has changed, please do too. A beautiful woman, everyone loves her and wants to be like her. She is very acknowledged by the magazines and video screens. I hate it to the core, seeing that the external appearance of beauty has sunk your self esteem bec...