Photocredit: As a child, I found it complicated to describe a sour taste. I don't consider it bitter because lime is sweeter than vinegar. Therefore vinegar is bitter, and I can't place lime in that category. Then also, I can't call lime sweet because sugar is sweet (lime can't share that space). So "bitter sweet ", that's how I resolved to describe the taste of ' sour '. In learning the English Language, I was taught the rules of 'word and opposites.' In distinguishing, a word is either here or there. It can't be both at the same time. The opposite of big is small. So if something is big, it can't be small and vice versa. What happens when two opposites collide? Oxymoron is the literary answer but in life, I want to call this situation sour. Now I can start talking. Has anyone here ever felt sour? As in happy yet sad, focused yet confused, faith-up yet doubtful, courageous yet fearful? We have learnt t...