
Showing posts from June, 2019


On the cross shaped tree are two types of lines –horizontal and vertical. In the environment of earth we were made to live with “people”. Humans are beings with a spirit, body and a soul. The spirit emphasizes a vertical relationship (man and God), the body emphasizes a horizontal relationship (man to man) but the soul emphasizes the cross (horizontal and vertical relationship). The soul is as broad as the sky and as deep as the ocean floor. It's the summary of the will, emotion and intellect. We go “soul-winning” because the position of the soul is critical to dictating the state of the spirit and the destination of the body after death. Precisely, I will look at the emotions and how it plays in our human relations on earth.  Let’s talk about relationships. Have you met good Christians that backslided because of a new boyfriend or a new girlfriend? I am not a love expert or relationship counsellor, I’m just a girl inspired by God to share a story. You may want to under...

OPPORTUNITY COST (Value not added is WASTED)

Capsules of Hope for 10th June Learn to appreciate growth and actually “ GROW ”. If someone or something is not adding value to your life, it is reducing the value. There is nothing like a neutral effect. If you have money and you do not invest it, you are not increasing the value, neither are you keeping the value because the market fluctuates almost daily. The technical truth is that the money is losing value and you have not realized it.  The lack of knowledge of the principle of value adding  is what the last servant in Luke 19:20 showed (“Then the other came, saying, ‘Lord, here is your pound. I wrapped it up in a piece of cloth”). He thought that by not investing the pounds given him, he had returned it to the master in the value he got it. But listen to the Master “Why then did you not put my money into the bank? Then when I returned, I could have collected it with interest” (Luke 19:12-27). Stagnation is retrogressive, don’t entertain it.  Invest in b...


One of the best experiential learning exercises used for team-building is the “Trust-V”, all of the times I coordinated and partook in this, the same things happened. The farther you go in the V, the more you have to “trust” your partner to lean on them.👬 I can guarantee that your broken heart would heal, trust me. Many people in glorious marriages once experienced disappointment, so “chill”😊! I can assure you that every wound you incurred in your journey would heal. Moreso, I promise you that those failed attempts at achieving your dreams? You will still make it someday, look back and appreciate the experience💃. But I’m very sorry😞, I cannot assure you that you can resurrect a dead trust. I can’t console you that you can remake a broken trust. I’m sorry, trust is like slime, I can’t guarantee you can stand to build it again. People have tried to recover the trust they broke, it took some the rest of their lifetime. So I advice that be careful how you treat people. 90...